Four Simple Ideas to Support Small Businesses You Love during Covid-19

Being a small business owner in the current landscape is a tough business in itself. COVID-19 outbreak has changed everything. Life, as we know, is in an uncertain pause that is affecting everyone, including small businesses everywhere.

We are so humbled by our customer's support during this time that besides saying THANK YOU! We are motivated to pay it forward and support our favorite small business too. So, I am sharing with you a few ways you also can make a significant impact on small businesses that are experiencing slow traffic, slow sales, and even having to close temporarily. Pay it forward - you will be changing someone else's circumstances for the better.

Buy Gift Cards:  Many businesses offer Gift Cards options that you can purchase online. Others have gift certificates that you can buy by phone, mailed to you, or mail as a gift. Either way, you will help funnel revenue their way while practicing social distance and send a loud message of support now and as they get back into regular practices.

Check out Sun Pop Life Gift Cards GIFT with purchase below.  Shop  here 

Takeout Orders: Check on your local eateries. Are they open? Are they offering takeout services, delivery, or pick-up only? Take a break from cooking, change of scenery, and enjoy a meal while admiring a beautiful sunset. Remember to keep a safe distance from workers and other patrons at pick-up, wear masks and globes. You can always contact local delivery services or check your options with online delivery services such as Ubereats, Doordash, or Postmaster, which are still running and may be available in your home town. 

Appointments-Reschedule vs. Cancelling. Haircuts, Mani & Pedi, Wax, Dentist, or Massage. Rescheduled if you can. This gesture sends a positive message of "Count on me. I want to support your business as soon as the current situation ends." We are all in this together, and acts like this boost a person's morale so graciously.

Bring attention to Businesses your like. Spread the word about a business you love to family and friends. Highlight who they are, what they do, or what YOU love about them on your social media platforms. Offer those businesses some much-needed publicity by directing people to their websites, online stores, and their social media accounts. Invite those you know to learn about a new business.

Small Businesses share great stories of first-hand entrepreneurship, risk-taking, hard work, success, and challenges while keeping it real one day at a time. Visit a small business near you, either in person or on their website, and make a purchase to show your gratitude for the important role that small businesses play in their communities and collectively to our great nation.


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