August is Summer Sun Safety Month


In late summer good habits tend to relax... We may sleep in later, eat more ice cream, stay outside longer, and maybe be a little less diligent about applying sunscreen. August is "Summer Sun Safety Month" for exactly that reason. We all need a reminder of how crucial sun protection is.


Modern Mariner Zip Up Hoodie


What is your largest organ? It is your skin! People often forget that our skin is the major organ that protects our bodies. Because of this we need to remember to take good care of our skin so it stays healthy for a lifetime. Skin cancers can start in the outer layer of skin where it  is exposed to the sun, especially in the cells that make pigmentation. Luckily precautions can easily be taken to avoid too much exposure and sunburns at a young age which can raise lifetime risk. 

Consistently wearing high quality sun protective clothing by Sun Pop Life physically block 99.8% of harmful rays from reaching the skin and are lab tested UPF 50+ (the highest sun protection rating available). The unique fabrics created by Sun Pop Life never use chemicals or treatments, so the protective properties last.

Remember that the need for sun protection doesn't stop when school starts! Keep quality UPF 50+ in mind when buying back to school clothing for boys and girls. Sun Pop Life clothing is great for walking and riding bikes to school, playground time, field trips, and playing at friends' houses after school, which are all times when kids can be exposed to ultraviolet rays. Select Sun Pop Life rash guards, leggings, hats and hoodies as capsule wardrobe pieces in kids’ back to school shopping for a fashionable healthy approach to sun protection beyond water and sun.

The American Cancer Society suggests that the best way to avoid overexposure to harmful rays is to stay in the shade and avoid exposure during peak hours. But when you know you will be in the sun, ACS suggests you “Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap:”

  1. SLIP on a shirt, or better yet our UPF 50+ rash guard. Think of our rash guards as long sleeve t-shirts with built-in sun protection that will shield your child from the sun and other elements. 


    Diagonal Owl Long Sleeve Rash Guard Top
    Hawaiian Long Sleeve Rash Guard Top
    Kaleidoscope Long Sleeve Rash Guard Top


  2. SLOP on sunscreen (cover exposed area such as faces, necks, tops of feet, ears, and hair part-line).  We love “All Good Kids” sunscreen which is certified organic, oxybenzone free, GMO-free, gluten free, vegan, non-nano, and coral reef friendly!
  3. SLAP on a hat. Our Kids Legionnaire Sun Hats UPF 50+ will be available in September in fun colors to go with any outfit including pink, blue and orange.
  4. WRAP on sunglasses. Sun Pop Life’s kids sunglasses are stylish and the UV400 Protection lenses are engineered to block 100% of all harmful blue light up to 400 nanometers. 
    Kids Sunglasses UV 400 Girls
    Kids Sunglasses UV 400 Unisex

Stock up on favorite clothing, hats, and sunglasses to be ready for a great late summer and a smart start to the school year. Stay diligent all summer and keep it up all year… put on some Sun Pop Life and head outside! 

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